BEE’s bio-energy cogen plants

BEE’s bio-energy cogen plants

BEE enables companies and communities to contribute to a sustainable economy and climate-neutral society, by co-investing in local renewable heat & power plants. Our plants’ whole environmental performance is doubled, combining the lowest carbon emissions with the highest efficiency levels.

BEE’s Heat & Power Plants are powered by non-recyclable industrial waste

BEE uses non-recyclable waste (the so-called “residual waste”), which is not fit for recycling, as a fuel source for its new clean heat & power plants.

The waste undergoes high-quality processing where electricity, heat and steam are produced in conjunction (so-called cogeneration). This greatly increases the overall efficiency of our installations.

These three energy flows can all be supplied to industrial companies via a steam and heat network and via the power grid.

Green heat does not cause an increase in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and is therefore considered climate neutral. By supplying this green heat, existing gas boilers can be switched off, which is also reducing CO2 emissions.

B-wood fueled plants

B-wood fueled plants

Belgium is a leading country with an extensive track record in recycling. Therefore BEE has a competitive advantage which we happily share with our customers. Wood waste is gathered and sorted first. The remaining wood waste flows (B-wood) are reduced in size and delivered to the production site by ship and truck.

At the production site, the waste wood is burned, and high-pressure steam is produced. This steam, in turn, produces green electricity and heat.

Waste-To-Energy plants fueled by industrial residual waste

BEE uses Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) as fuel in its Waste-to-energy (WtE) cogen plants. WtE is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity, steam and heat from the processing of industrial waste into a fuel source. BEE also improves the implementation of waste triages and waste supply chains, driving its clients’ circular operations forward.

BEE organizes and leads energy projects from A to Z

BEE leads its project by the DBFMO principle. This is an integrated form of contract, in which BEE is the contractor, responsible for the entire design, financing, construction, maintenance, and operation.

BEE takes care of all the contractual aspects to reach a financial close in a high demanding structured project finance concept: the permits, the contracts for location, logistics, construction (EPC), operation & maintenance, MSA, fuel/biomass and off-take.

BEE organizes and takes the lead in the construction design with the most suitable technologies required in a high-performing cogeneration plant. Next, we take care of the construction and the operational activities throughout the lifespan of the project. This is carried out and monitored by carefully selected contractors and technical teams.

BEE guarantees price and continuous supply of green power, heat, and steam for its customers and partners through CPPA contracts

BEE consults with its partners and customers to arrive at a form of contract that strikes the right balance between return and risk.

As an established energy supplier to Belgian B2B companies, BEE is one of the absolute pioneers of CPPA's: long-term energy contracts for large consumptions of power, steam, and heat with a visible sustainable impact, securing long-term renewable energy supply and price.

BEE offers sustainable investment opportunities

BEE offers sustainable investment opportunities

BEE uses its team of energy experts, development managers, (civil) engineers and financial experts to assess a new project, including all contracts and risks related to the project.

All contracts are critically analyzed and managed by our financial experts and advisors while considering the requirements of the different investment parties.

BEE co-invests in the project and organizes all the necessary long-term contracts for energy off-take. As (co-) owner of the asset, BEE remains responsible for the entire management of the plant, securing a long-term economic and ecologic outcome.

These projects preceded

Bio Energy Base
Bio Energy Base

At the beginning of January 2020, BEE started the construction of a new green heat plant based on wood waste that cannot be recycled locally: the Bio Energy Base. The power plant, based in the port of Ghent (North Sea Port) on the site of Ghent Coal Terminal, is in operation since June 2022.

Ghent, Green heat

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Our experts are there for you!


ing. Michel Peeters

Project Director

ir. Gaetan Moussiaux

Project Development Manager
Energy Sharing

ir. Pallieter Muyldermans

Project Development Manager
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