Together with BEE from investment to return!

Together with BEE from investment to return!

Do you generate a lot of energy, for example from your own assets: wind turbine or PV installations? Or are you planning an investment in your own renewable energy, making you independent from the turbulence of the market? Do you see business opportunities from overproduction in relation to your own needs?

How to generate return on your investment? Enter into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with BEE.

Do you generate a lot of energy yourself, for example from wind or solar panels? Or are you planning an investment in your own renewable energy, making you independent from the turbulence of the energy market? Do you see business opportunities in producing more than you need for your own operations?

Then we have something in common. BEE also produces renewable energy: from wind, solar and biomass. We supply that to numerous companies. Our philosophy even goes a step further: the shorter the chain between supply and demand, the more efficient, the more sustainable.

Producer and supplier
: it makes BEE a maverick. And above all, the partner of choice to help your investment pay off. Where to go with your surplus power in a sun-drenched summer? Or when your wind turbine is working overtime in stormy weather?

Count on BEE for a guaranteed purchase
for your injection of energy at a fixed price for a long period, up to 10 or 15 years.

So your investment in renewable energy immediately becomes a secure long-term source of income. And that's good news for your lender, too.

BEE, the aggregator between supply and demand

BEE, the aggregator between supply and demand

How and where we sell your energy?

Precisely because BEE is both producer and supplier, the game between supply and demand holds few secrets for us.

BEE also has a growing customer portfolio that is in demand for renewable energy - in large volumes, locally produced, at a fixed and transparent price.

Therefore, BEE can always arrange the off-take for your generated electricity. BEE ensures a particularly efficient allocation of available renewable energy between producer and user, at the right time and for the right period.

BEE unburdens

At the same time, BEE unburdens both parties - including you - by arranging and managing the bilateral contracts. This is smart energy sharing. The concept is permeated in the DNA of a short-chain pioneer like BEE.

Is there less wind? Or the sun is less generous? Then BEE uses its expertise, own renewable energy capacity and position in the market to guarantee supply for the customer. You don't have to worry.

Let your investment do all the work. Because BEE relieves you 100%, with a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

Investing in a factory roof full of solar panels or your own wind turbine is a smart move. A far-sighted and forward-looking move. But your return is only really guaranteed if you can also get rid of your excess energy at the right time to whoever needs it.

Selling such an injection is complex. Especially if energy is not your core business. Leave this time-consuming work to BEE. By opting for a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), you save yourself a lot of time. You get a guaranteed and good price in return in the long run.

So you get a long-term benefit by using our expertise and network: a fixed price for all the generated energy you cannot use yourself. At the same time, you help put our economy and industry on a sustainable footing. You literally give them renewed energy!

Ready for your Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)?

Ready for your Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)?

With a Power Purchase Agreement with BEE, you take your investment in in-house renewable energy production to the next level:

  • You secure a buyer for your injection of surplus energy
  • You get a fixed and therefore guaranteed good price for it
  • You even lock in this price in the long term, for 10 to 15 years
  • You protect yourself against volatile weather (sun, wind) and resulting price fluctuations
  • Your investment case becomes more attractive to your lender, thanks to the PPA you enter into with BEE
  • You don't have to sell your energy yourself, because BEE takes care of you from A to Z
  • You get a bilateral contract with full transparency

Power Purchase Agreement

Would you like to maximise your investment in renewable energy productions?

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Our experts are there for you!

Energy Sharing

ir. Rob Loos

Sourcing & Portfolio Manager
Energy Sharing

ing. Vicky Buyse

Chief Operating Officer

ir. Christophe Surleraux

Chief Development Officer
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