A new biocluster in Ghent port

A new biocluster in Ghent port

The Gentse Warmte Centrale plays a crucial role by converting biomass into heat, steam and elecitricity, which are then supplied to nearby businesses. This integration of bio-energy contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions and promotes the transitioin to a greener and more sustainable energy provision in the region.


The BEB has a capacity of 20 MW green electricity and 50 MW green heat and steam


In time, the BEB will save up to 285,000 tonnes of CO2 a year compared with a conventional gas-fired power station


The BEB saves the equivalent of the gas consumption of 50,000 families


The BEB generates as much energy as 174 wind turbines


Every year, the BEB processes about 150,000 tonnes of waste wood

At the beginning of January 2020, BEE started the construction of a new green heat plant, the Bio Energy Base (BEB) in the port of Ghent (North Sea Port), which will be completed in June 2022.

The Bio Energy Base is located on the site of Ghent Commodity Terminal, a logistically strong location. The power station operates on the basis of local non-recyclable waste wood and is designed according to the most demanding environmental standards.

The green heat plant literally gets everything out of non-recyclable waste. It processes about 150,000 tonnes of waste wood annually, most of which (about 75%) is brought in by barge from Belgium or the Netherlands.

The waste wood (B-wood) comes from container parks, companies and the demolition of old houses. Only the fraction that cannot be recycled is used in the power station.

This is how it works:

Optimal use of heat: 'The Bio Energy Base guarantees maximum use of heat for existing customers and the possibility of expansion in the future'

The life span of the Bio Energy Base is at least 25 years and it is extremely efficient due to the use of the latest technology with very high yields.

It is a power plant that supplies green heat, steam and electricity to the surrounding industry via a heat and steam network. Thanks to the Bio Energy Base, BEE in the Ghent port area supplies carbon-neutral energy and contributes to the climate objectives of the companies involved.

The nearby chemical company Gadot is already the first industrial customer that has a long-term agreement with the power station for green steam.

The ambition? Circular and balance CO2 negative

BEE also processes the residual products sustainably by using the ashes as materials for road construction among other things.

A Ghent biocluster that contributes to the transition of North Sea Port:

The Bio Energy Base is the catalyst in the transition of the old industrial site to a sustainable biocluster. The Bio Energy Base will be the beating heart of a growing biocluster of innovative and sustainable companies. Each additional link with the energy hub contributes to a more intelligent, more efficient and closer energy network. Each additional activity increases the innovative character and economic potential of the site.

The Bio Energy Base is a kick starter for green and sustainable growth in the port of Ghent and stimulates the Flemish economy by attracting new innovative and sustainable companies and thereby also creating employment and economic growth.

Whoever chooses the Bio Energy Base, chooses to participate in the energy transition and chooses de facto renewable energy of Belgian origin.

Will your company soon seize the opportunity to switch from expensive fossil fuels to guaranteed, locally produced and affordable green electricity or green steam?

More about BEE

BEE is Belgian. 100%.

BEE stands for Belgian Eco Energy and offers local energy solutions at the best conditions. This is how we assist companies in becoming more sustainable.

Passion for energy. That flows off. We know what is going on in the energy market and are determined to guarantee companies a more sustainable future.

Our expertise is our passion. And that is how we put the world in transition with innovative and enterprising ideas. One of these innovative and entrepreneurial ideas is the Bio Energy Base in Ghent.

The future of our energy ... is Belgian. Affordable. Renewable. And very close!

Want to know more about our struggle for sustainability and our story? Download our whitepaper

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